Saturday, 2 July 2011

Beaver Tools

I will try to use only Beaver tools from the 1950s for stationary equipment, I have acquired a 4 inch jointer, 8 1/4 inch table saw, floor drill press, a 24 inch scroll saw and a 36 inch lathe. I also have a old Dewalt radial arm saw. I need to find a band saw and a thickness planer.

I managed to find a Beaver tool catalog from the 1950s, and the manuals for the tools I have. I also waited 4 hours at a auction to buy a box of popular mechanics because one of the books had a article on building stands for the tools in it plywood was king in those days.


  1. These are some nice, sturdy looking machines. I bet my (modern) tools won't still be around and working 50-60 yrs from now.

  2. don't think beaver made a planer

  3. Beaver did make planers but they were industrial. My grandfather currently owns and operates one on private land.

  4. J’ai besoin spindle part 3703 press drill beaver

  5. J’ai une press drill beaver 3700 mais la piece 3703 spindle est brisé

  6. I have all of the above passed down by my grandfather to my father to me and I use them regularly. Love them.
